WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR DECISION Title: APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED TO THE CNPA BOARD Prepared by: Denby Pettitt, Finance Manager Purpose To formally approve commitment of expenditure on Land Based Business Training and Public Benefits for All projects for calendar year 2007. Recommendations That the Committee formally approve the expenditure detailed in para. 6 in respect of the Land Based Business Training and Public Benefits for All projects. Executive Summary a) At its August 2006 meeting the Board approved, in principle, the CNPA’s continued involvement with the LBBT project and the pilot of a new PBA project, subject to additional new funding being found from other key partners. b) Since the initial paper was presented to the Board, the CNPA has obtained an additional £42,000 with a further two funding applications (still to be determined). This has allowed the project to increase in size from £195,000 to £230,000 but CNPA’s contribution is planned to fall from £86,000 (44%) to £72,000 (31%). c) The CNPA’s contribution is for the 2007 calendar year and we already have a budget of £32,147 in the current 2006/07 Operational Plan for the three months to March 2007. If two outstanding funding applications are refused the CNPA’s funding obligation would increase by £16,000. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED TO THE CNPA BOARD - FOR DECISION Expenditure Previously Presented to the CNPA Board 1. At its meeting on 11 August 2006, the CNPA Board agreed, in principle, the continuation of the Land Based Business training (LBBT) project and the piloting of a new Public Benefits for All (PBA) project for calendar year 2007. Full details of this were given in Board Paper 4 and para. 28 to 32 examined the financial implications. 2. The agreement in principle was given subject to additional funding being found from other key partners. Future funding 3. Since the Board meeting we have reviewed the budgets especially in the light of agreed European Social Fund monies that have now been approved. The following table builds on that presented to the Board in the August paper (para. 31) and shows the LBBT budget including the PBA costs: Funding Headings: Current forecast 2007 £’000 Presented to Board 2007 £’000 Estimate 2006 £’000 Actual 2005 £’000 CNPA (a) 72 86 54 43 ESF 62 30 117 110 Business contributions 60 54 75 60 Other (see para. 4) 36 25 - 6 Project cost 230 195 246 219 (a) Of this figure, £32,147 is already included in CNPA’s 2006-07 budget (Jan-Mar) 4. The breakdown of other funding is: Headings: Current forecast 2007 £’000 Presented to Board 2007 £’000 Estimate 2006 £’000 Actual 2005 £’000 Confirmed funding HIE (Moray) 10 5 - - HIE (IEH) 10 5 - - INBSE - - - 6 Funding applied for Scottish Enterprise (Grampian) 6 5 - - Awards for All 10 10 - - Project cost 36 25 - 6 5. The above tables show that CNPA has been successful in: i) obtaining European funding for 2007 despite funding, which has been the mainstay of the programme coming to an end; ii) maintaining the contribution that land-based businesses make towards the cost of training courses; and iii) securing other funding at greater levels than in previous years with a further two applications still awaiting approval. 6. LBBT funding runs on a calendar year and, although the estimated CNPA contribution is £72,000 (para. 4), there is already just over £42,000 provided for in the 2006/07 Operational Plan for the three months to the end of March 2007. The additional contribution would be £30,000 rising to £46,000 if the current applications to SEG and Awards for All are unsuccessful. A decision on both of these applications is expected in January. DENBY PETTITT 21 November 2006 denbypettitt@cairngorms.co.uk